We hope you and your family are well and that you were not directly affected by the recent flooding.
When we heard the news that Brisbane was to experience flooding, like most people we became worried. With a home one street back from the river in West End and a studio in a low lying area of Annerley we were feeling quite vulnerable. After ensuring the safety of our three children and moving computers, back-up drives and studio equipment to higher ground we turned our attention to our house.
Instinctively, as the flood waters rose, the first things we took from our house were the family photo albums – which contain so many special memories. The experience has given us a renewed appreciation for the importance and inherent value of these artifacts and has kept us motivated in a difficult time to keep providing these precious memories to many families through our work.
The flood waters came into our back yard but luckily stopped there. We were extremely lucky as many on our street experienced severe damage. However the activity in our street over the past week has been wonderful as the community has come out in force to help each other. It is truly rewarding and comforting to know that we live in a community where we can rely on each other.
During a break from the clean-up efforts, Andrew took his camera out around our home in West End to document the flood event. In our street he came across Kevin Rudd who had come down to lend a hand. It was great to see him minus the entourage, with his sleeves rolled up and supporting his community, and Andrew was asked to take a few photographs. We invite you to view these images as well as Andrew’s flood images below.
We’d like to say thank you to all those who kindly offered support. We were overwhelmed by the many calls, texts and emails from friends and clients.
Kind Regards,
Anna & Andrew Porfyri